Renaissance Faire
April 12, 2014
March 23, 2014
Sunland, CA
Today has been a beautiful day.
Hummingbirds, lizards, birds, gophers, bonsai, roses, daisies, friends, and good eats!
Homemade pasta sauce with sausage over rigatoni topped with grated Romano cheese
Honey tamari sriracha hot wings (gluten free)
Apple bunt cake (gluten free)
Thank you Master Josh and Seth for opening your home to us.
Here are a few photos. Enjoy!
Twilight at the Huntington | Dancing with Phoebe
Huntington Gardens
December 29, 2013
Yesterday to honor #dancingwithphoebe, I went to the Huntington Gardens to play with the fairies.
These are the photos I captured and this is the video I made:
April 29, 2012
The Huntington Gardens had another plant sale this weekend. I didn’t want to miss out!
These are my new buddies.
Echinopsis hybrid x 2… Those are the ones with pink flowers.
Mint julep, white flowering rosemary, and Italian parsley.
These echinopsis hybrids were very popular! I took home two! Tom was very helpful and knowledgeable about the care of these beautiful cacti.
After my excursion with the plant sale, I explored the gardens.
The beauty and grandeur always capture me.
The squirrels were loving all the attention too.
I fought for this photo. They were closing up and the security guys were telling us it's time to leave. I was waiting for this little guy to go into the sun, for the perfect moment. And I told the guys "there are other people behind me, I just want to get this photo." And they gave me a stern look. Meanwhile the lizard crawled into the sun. So I said to the guys "Hey, he's in the sun now. Can I take a photo of him in the sun?" And they *sighed*. Eventually they left because there was a call about a girl getting a bee sting, so they went to attend to that I think. So, I got this shot. Perfect
This little creature is stunning.
I’ve discovered s/he likes to take baths at the top tier of our garden fountain.
Micki and Tim departed LA and I followed them for the first leg of the journey.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
But a camera couldn’t even capture my whole heart.
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
March 26
March 27
Dear Charlene,
We’ve met before somewhere in the Sky before the Universe expanded.
You the Sun. I the Moon.
I believe this with my whole heart.
Here on Earth, I have met you in the stories that Rain and Nora share with me.
You are here with us as I continue your legacy with Rain, at SunRain Productions.
You were a wonderful person and you were with us today in the park with Rain, Jon, Pixel and me.
We chased the wind.
We laughed. We breathed.
We celebrated life.
You infuse our hearts with beauty and joy.
You are dancing in the sky.
Thank you for being in our lives.
I wish I could have heard your human laughter, seen your human eyes sparkle, touched your kind giving human hands…
But I feel your warmth and your spirit when the Sun beams down.
And I feel safe under the tutelage of your wings.
I picked out one of my photos from Thanksgiving and I am dedicating it to you, Charlene, in your honor.
Honed, forged, rising from fire,
kicked by the heel of the moon,
the sun bows on mountains, it’s stage.
With flare she dances,
enraptures, romances,
pirouettes, prances,
with brilliance that never will age.
– Sun Flares by Sandra S Corona
The sun ornament is my favorite ornament in The Narnia House.
I call it The Narnia House because of the triple lamp post in the front.
No other house has a lamp post let alone a triple lamp post!
There are no photos of the triple lamp post in this post.
Here is my favorite sun ornament.
And here are some furry critters.
For Bridget because she loves yellow roses
Huntington Gardens
November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!