April 29, 2012
The Huntington Gardens had another plant sale this weekend. I didn’t want to miss out!
These are my new buddies.
Echinopsis hybrid x 2… Those are the ones with pink flowers.
Mint julep, white flowering rosemary, and Italian parsley.
These echinopsis hybrids were very popular! I took home two! Tom was very helpful and knowledgeable about the care of these beautiful cacti.
After my excursion with the plant sale, I explored the gardens.
The beauty and grandeur always capture me.
The squirrels were loving all the attention too.
Under the shade of the Sabal mauritufomis I was reenergized, renewed, refreshed.
I fought for this photo. They were closing up and the security guys were telling us it's time to leave. I was waiting for this little guy to go into the sun, for the perfect moment. And I told the guys "there are other people behind me, I just want to get this photo." And they gave me a stern look. Meanwhile the lizard crawled into the sun. So I said to the guys "Hey, he's in the sun now. Can I take a photo of him in the sun?" And they *sighed*. Eventually they left because there was a call about a girl getting a bee sting, so they went to attend to that I think. So, I got this shot. Perfect