Tag Archives: Sound

“For A Day”

“For a Day”
March 19, 2014
Burbank, Ca

A performance reading of 64 haiku spanning the following:

Dawn – Morning
Noon – Light
Twilight – Darkness
Prophecy – Night

“An elegant presentation of haiku, tai chi, and music.”

Dr. Richard Gilbert reading haiku
Don Baird performing Tai Chi
Kathabela Wilson and Mariko Kitakubo performing percussion

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

"For A Day"

Posted in 35mm, Nikon D7000 Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

SONOPTIK | Mahasukha Center

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center
November 19, 2011
Sneaky Snake
Tom Hall
Sun Araw

After kung fu yesterday, I was able to go see Ian’s show SONOPTIK.
It was blissful and it was great to see Ian and George and meet new friends.
Here are the photos and event info.

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center

Ian James of Sneaky Snake

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center

George Jensen of Sneak Snake

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center


SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center

Prayer flags amidst incense

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center

Tom Hall and what I heard and felt was fairie chimes

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center

Sun Araw

SONOPTIK at Mahasukha Center

More event photos here to give a sense of the room and the visuals.

More event info from Facebook:

TOM HALL w/ live visuals by JANEVA ZENTZ http://www.tomhall.com.au/ | http://janevazentz.com/
SUN ARAW http://sunaraw.com/
SNEAKY SNAKE http://sneakysnake.net/

Event starts promptly at 8pm, Saturday November 19th
Suggested donation $10 (no-one will be turned away but space is limited)
**Strictly No-Alcohol**

presented by SONOPTIK in conjunction with the Mahasukha Center.

Tom Hall with live visuals by Janeva Zentz Hall, Sneaky Snakes and Sun Araw come together to illustrate sonically the spectacular journey to High Peace. Come and sit on a cushion, lay on the floor, do yoga, interpretive dance or simply be present as washes of sound and ambient currents paint a beautiful space for mind, chakra and heart expansion.

…TOM HALL is an Audio/Visual artist based in Los Angeles (originating from Australia). Hall’s practice involves considered explorations into place, space and time. Drawing inspiration from countless ‘peripheral’ spaces, Hall focuses on using multiple approaches to engage and re-contextualize the ‘everyday’ for the public. Hall utilizes custom designed software and a variety of unorthodox analog techniques to combine imagery and sound.

…JANEVA ZENTZ is a multi-media artist and joins Hall’s performance by mixing and molding visuals live. Derived from various CA locations, the myriad of visual compositions contribute, match, mold, juxtapose, and play with Hall’s sonic fields.

…SUN ARAW, the solo p-roject of Cameron Stallones, blossomed in attempted geosynchronous orbit with the Eternal Now: oblique six-dimensional transmissions from changeless environs. Structural and spiritual inspiration for Sun Araw comes primarily from Cameron’s first artistic love: film and filmmakers, especially those invested in the long-take (Tarkovsky, Altman, Bela Tarr, Greenaway). Devoted to long-form mantric music, the ethos is similar: straight lampin’ in deep focus, angle after angle on the melodic object, gaining strength from the subsequent breakdown of the illusion of fixed perspective.

…SNEAKY SNAKE is an experimental sound project in synthesized tonal waves. Its explicit purpose is the creation of altered states and well-being within the viewer/listener. George Jensen and Ian James began Sneaky Snake by focusing strictly on long form ambience as a means to induce trance-like, semi-consciousness within the audience. Lost within the environment and their subjectivity, participants often experience worlds within themselves. Over time Sneaky Snake has invested itself in complicating the paradigm, introducing aspects of field recordings, sampling, and synthesized drum beats into its healing music.

The MAHASUKHA CENTER (in Sanskrit “great bliss”) is ACI-LA’s home. The Center provides a wide range of courses including guided meditations, Buddha dharma, teachings on spiritual partners, workshops by nationally known yoga teachers, and informal talks on a variety of subjects. http://www.aci-la.org/

MAHASUKHA CENTER Location http://tinyurl.com/3bsxp8k
6512 Arizona Avenue, Los Angeles, 90045

Posted in 50MM, Nikon D90 Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , |