An Evening with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer

An Evening with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer
The Wilshire Ebell Theatre
October 31. 2011

iPhone photos because I was told
“Sorry, no photography permitted.”
by someone at the theatre who answered my email.

But I saw people with not only their mobile devices,
but point and shoots,
and DSLRs….

There is one moment I wanted to capture… when Amanda was in orange light…
I used my iPhone but the zoom wasn’t working, and it wouldn’t have been the same…
the photo is below…

Other than that it was a WONDERFUL EVENING!!!
Amanda and Neil sang together.
I Google You. Joan of Arc.
Amanda sang solos. Neil read.
They both answered questions from us.
They both made us laugh.
They opened with a costume contest judged by the Magaret Cho judging committee.
I loved all the costumes. The Fez Rabbits won.
One Fez Rabbit found me on Instagram so now we are Instagram friends.

My friend Meg dressed up in steam punk. I dressed up in masquerade, with cat ears.
Many unique and fun costumes.
Police call box. Dracula with powder blue suit. Robo-rina. Hester Pryne. Beetlejuice. R2-tutu.

There was a signing after… we didn’t go…
… a goal for next time.

Then an employee of Bill Maher took our photo outside.

It was a perfect Halloween evening.

An Evening with @neilhimself and @amandapalmer in LA at the Wilshire Ebelll Theatre

An Evening with @neilhimself and @amandapalmer in LA at the Wilshire Ebelll Theatre... Costume contest. R2-tutu isn't in the photo! So cute!

An Evening with @neilhimself and @amandapalmer in LA at the Wilshire Ebelll Theatre... Neil reading ...

An Evening with @neilhimself and @amandapalmer in LA at the Wilshire Ebelll Theatre... Amanda singing....

An Evening with @neilhimself and @amandapalmer in LA at the Wilshire Ebelll Theatre.... Amanda watching Neil reading. I wish I had my camera and lens.... But I see more when I use my naked eyes....

This was the moment I wish I captured.... Amanda was sitting here in beautiful light thinking and listening and watching Neil read.... it was beautiful. I didn't see the house photographer anywhere. That's when I wish I had my Nikon and my 28-200 lens....

An Evening with @neilhimself and @amandapalmer in LA at the Wilshire Ebelll Theatre... the end, before the Ukelele Song

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