Neil Gaiman | American Gods Tenth Anniversary

Neil Gaiman
Patton Oswalt & Zelda Williams

American Gods
Tenth Anniversary

Saban Theatre
Beverly Hills
June 28, 2011

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

<3<3<3 seeing @neilhimself

Waiting for @neilhimself :)

@pattonoswalt and @neilhimself

A few thoughts are stirring in my head and I will write them down as soon as I can.


The only reason I follow Twitter is because Neil Gaiman started using Twitter. I follow other accounts now. But he’s the main reason. So when he tweeted that he was going to be in LA, I bought tickets immediately. I thought nothing of it. The Will Call line went around the building and no one knew where they were sitting. I had seen him before and the seats were fine so I figured it will be fine again. When I finally picked up my tickets at Will Call, it said BB104-105. Again, I thought nothing of it, because I don’t know The Saban Theatre. I had never been there. So when the usher told us to “Go to the last door on the right, and go all the way down…” I started thinking all the way down? and so we went through the doors, and proceeded to walk all the way down. When Meg and I realized we were second row from stage and almost center, we screamed and jumped!!! We were so close!!!! :) Sitting up so close with the chairs empty, it was like Waiting for Godot, so I posted “Waiting for @neilhimself” :)

The talk itself was amazing. These are the photos. This is the video. There were a lot of moments uncaptured but I still hold them inside. I love the energy of Patton Oswalt. He was having us laughing in our seats as soon as he walked out. And I could see Neil waiting in the wings laughing. It was so civilized in chaotic sort of way. When Neil came out…  time stopped for me. It was like someone pushed pause on Life…  And we all were captured in this bubble, in this moment, where we all stopped and gathered to discuss American Gods. Godless amounts of LA people were there including Wil Wheaton and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, and me and my friends! It was just beautiful.

Some things here, a list really, that people will understand, if they were there, maybe.

The new gods are scared.
God of goths.
Bjork is really nice. She’s 4. And she wears socks.
I invented a god.
Daleks are color blind to the color red. And daleks are red.

This entry was posted in Photography.