VFresh Music | Vinay Shah

I first met Vinay in October of 2006 at the American School of Martial Arts in Burbank. I remember his words: “Life is like sampling music. You take a track here, and a track there, and you put it together and play it. If you don’t like it, you put the tracks back and put down new tracks. You create your own life.” These are the most important words that I’ve carried with me to this day.

Now, back from Boston and settling back into life in LA, Vinay and I talked about everything under the sun as the relentless rain poured down on us today. We talked for hours leaving no room for silence. We have formed a solid friendship that is based on our foundation and love for music, art, martial arts, and the people who have been an inspiration to us in our lives.

Learn more about Vinay at VFreshMusic.com and listen to some of his latest tracks on his Soundcloud.

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