Tag Archives: Guitar

It’s Cat Day! | Bad Moon Rising

After a morning of studying and taking care of business, I travelled to my old neighborhood for my guitar lesson. I learned Bad Moon Rising amongst three cats. Two were hamming it up, while one was hiding. The lighting was coming in just right during the lesson. You can say I have ADD when it comes to seeing things while doing something else and so it’s hard not for me to take photos of what’s around me.  Afterwards I went to visit my friend in Venice who has a cat too, but I didn’t take a photo of her. I did meet Zoe. So he said “It’s Cat Day!” Good times. We walked to the beach for just a minute and I waved hello to the Ocean and sent healing energy to the World. The waves were crashing and it was cold! And there is a beautiful pink gold sunset in my memory rather than in my camera.


It's Cat Day!
It's Cat Day!


It's Cat Day!

It's Cat Day!

Zoe at Venice Beach

It's Cat Day!

It's Cat Day!

Guitar Lesson #3 | Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising

Bad Moon Rising

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