
I met Carlos at the Venice Beach Skate Park on Sunday. Every day is a challenge for him and the Venice community. But they accept only the good energy of those around to help them each day. And in turn they give the good energy back. Karma. That day he helped a boy learn how to skateboard. The boy’s father was so grateful and generous to Carlos with $20. This was something that Carlos did not expect at all because he only wanted to help the boy learn how to skateboard. Someday Carlos hopes to be able to work for the Venice Beach Skate Park to give back to a community that has given him so much: Hope
“When one shines forth, it is like the moon at midday – an event so bright that what is normally hidden outshines even the brightest light. That is what it is like when masters walk among the people. By their presence, they illuminate and gladden all who come their way.”
– “Radiance”, 365 Tao Meditations, Deng Ming Dao
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